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Business & Sea Events

Every idea deserves to be presented in the unique way.
Every connection needs to start in a good mood and bright atmosphere.
Choose the date and create your own unique story of success.

We invite all company owners, employees on managing positions, teams from various business spheres. As part of the offer for season 2022, we have designed this special offer for you that is ideal for organising promotions, meetings, gatherings of employees, presentations, as well as various team buildings.

We help you organise an experience that is unique on the Montenegrin coast and thus enable your business partners. Good mood, good food, good music are main keys to impress your guests and we are here to help you to provide it. Create your own, unique story of success on our Catamaran Tahiti.




Organize team buildings that really show how much you appreciate your team, or vine and dine your business partners, potential clients and customers in the splendid sea atmosphere. Give your promotions, seminars and business presentations a chance to be remembered.

The catamaran, where business gatherings are possible, can sail 96 people. If you want to use projectors, monitors or some other type of equipment for video presentations, it is possible right at sea on the Tahiti catamaran. Business meeting on a catamaran with possibility of organizing a lunch is unique experience. A floating restaurant, while the most beautiful landscapes of the bay alternate around you with the most delicious specialties is a moment that combines business and pleasure.


Business & Sea Events

Ruta 1 scaled

Recomended routes

Our Lady of the Rocks

With a special desire to experience the uniqueness of Montenegrin coastal places which represent hidden tradition enriched with a luxurious touch, we want you to enjoy the season. We have carefully created special routes for you to meet the jewels that prey on the sea, such as the unusual small…

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For Every taste

Book Now

Please fill the form for the offer adjusted to your requirements.

Step 1

Embark spot

Starting location

Disembark spot

Ending location

Number of passengers

Tour duration

From 3 hour until 12 hour

Choose date

Pick date from calendar

Step 2

Select time period

Ship rent is with fixed starting times

Step 3

Step 4

Personal and billing information

* required fields

Step 5

Special Requrements

If you have specific order regarding meals, drinks, accomodation please fill out text and apply with your booking

/ tax included


Number of passengers:

Tour duration:



Type of meal:

Type of drinks:


First Name:

Last Name:

Contact Email:

Contact Phone:






Choose prefered payment


/ tax incl.