We organize 3 or more days of travel around the Montenegrin coast during which seminars, presentations, parties are held, but it is also mandatory to reserve time for rest, socializing and visiting the most beautiful areas of the Montenegrin coast. Up to 60 people can spend the night on catamarans and you can use the big catamaran Tahiti as a place for presentations and business meetings, up to 100 people can be your guests at beach parties that are only for your company.
We suggest to spend the first day for business gatherings, the second for unforgettable parties, and the third to successfully spice up your trip and visit the most beautiful parts of the sea.
Business partners, associates, colleagues cannot remain indifferent to the experience they will remember. Business Sea Me Event, Pharmacy Sea Me Event, Media Sea Me Event are planned for this season. During the month of June, the Influence Sea Me Events took place, which featured popular influencers from the region.